
Extraction Methods Effectiveness Evaluation for the Flavonoids Extraction from Sea Buckthorn Meal when Scaling in Small Volumes


Elena V. Averyanova, Evgeny D. Rozhnov, Marina N. Shkolnikova


Extraction methods and their variations are the base for numerous studies and developments aimed at solving the problem of increasing the flavonoid extraction efficiency from plant biomass, including an industrial scale from multi-tonnage processing fruit meal waste. The aim of the study was a comparative possibility assessment of extracting flavonoids from sea buckthorn meal by traditional methods (periodic and continuous extraction). The objectives of the study were to refine the sea buckthorn meal extraction parameters under static and dynamic conditions, including scaling in small volumes. When choosing the optimal extraction parameters, the main criterion was the flavonoid extraction coefficient. The researchers used the Harrington's logistic function, known as the desirability scale, to analyze the data obtained. A man revealed that an increase in the extraction duration under dynamic conditions by 1 hour leads to an increase in the flavonoids yield by an average of 0.028 %; at the same time, an increase in temperature by 1 °C leads to a decrease in the flavonoids yield by an average of 0.006 %. At extraction temperatures above 70 °C, the flavonoids yield decreases, mainly due to their thermal stability. Based on the results obtained, a methodological approach can be developed to choose a method for extracting flavonoids from sea buckthorn meal when scaling the process in small volumes. The authors found that continuous extraction at the boiling point of the solvent, and the ratio of raw materials to the extractant 1:6, and the extraction duration of 5 hours enables to extract up to (85.38 ± 1.16) % of flavonoids contained in the sea buckthorn meal.


extraction; sea buckthorn meal flavonoids; scaling

For citation:

Elena V. Averyanova, Evgeny D. Rozhnov, Marina N. Shkolnikova. Extraction Methods Effectiveness Evaluation for the Flavonoids Extraction from Sea Buckthorn Meal when Scaling in Small Volumes. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 4. Pp. 93–101. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-4-10

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