The volume of the article is not less than 12 thousand characters on an A4 sheet with margins of 2 cm.

The text is typed in one and a half intervals, size - 14, typeface - Times New Roman.

Each table should have a title in Russian and English, figures - captions.

Equations, figures and tables are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.

The list of sources is drawn up in the order of mention in the text of the article. References to the literature used are given in square brackets with page indication (published sources).

The list should include at least 10 sources, most of them should be "literary" sources (monographs, scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications). Normative legal documents, statistical materials are not included in the list of sources; if necessary, they are mentioned in the text of the article or placed in a footnote. The repetition of the same data in the text, tables and graphs is not allowed; By decision of the Editorial Board, all articles are checked for the amount of borrowings. A high level of incorrect borrowing serves as a basis for rejecting the article. Self-citation should not exceed 20%.


Article template


Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are returned to the authors.

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Author's fees are not paid by the editors.

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