
Fatty Acid Profile of Mechanically Deboned Chicken Minced Meat Treated with High Hydrostatic Pressure


Lyudmila A. Donskova, Alexey Yu. Volkov, Victoria V. Kotkova, Natalia V. Leiberova, Boisjoni T. Tohirien


The research objects were samples of mechanically deboned chicken minced meat cooled, treated with the high gyrostatic pressure. The research subject was the profile characteristics of the fatty acid composition of the samples before and after storage for 3 days. A man processed minced meat by the high hydrostatic pressure on a laboratory installation developed at the Metal Physics Institute named after Mikhail N. Mikheev of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg). Exposure mode: pressure was 250 MPa, exposure was 30 min, ambient temperature was (20 ± 2) ° C. The researchers analyzed fatty acids in the form of their methyl esters. They used, the indicators of a hypothetically ideal lipid recommended by experts and reflected in scientific domestic and foreign publications to assess the value of the fatty acid profile. Main results: fatty acids of lipids presented in the bone marrow and bone tissue, subcutaneous fat, skin and abdominal fat form the fatty acids profile of mechanically deboned chicken minced meat additionally; and a higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the fat fraction is due to their intake from bone particles and accompanying spinal cord; the fatty acids profile of mechanically deboned chicken minced meat is characterized by low biological efficiency, imbalance in relation to unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as evidenced by the calculated indicators and indices and their comparison with the expert recommendations; treatment with the high hydrostatic pressure did not have a significant effect on the fatty acids profile of chicken minced meat by mechanical deboning, the existing fluctuations in the indicators and calculated indices in the background control and experimental samples and in the samples examined after storage for 3 days had no significant differences. To assess the lipid value, a man recommends to use the nutritional value index (NVI), as well as to determine the amount of dietary fatty acids having a desirable neutral (DFA) and undesirable hypercholesterolemic effect (OFA), and their ratio (ΣDFA/ΣOFA).


poultry meat; minced meat; mechanical deboning; profile; fatty acid composition; high hydrostatic pressure; hypothetically ideal lipid

For citation:

Lyudmila A. Donskova, Alexey Yu. Volkov, Victoria V. Kotkova, Natalia V. Leiberova, Boisjoni T. Tohirien. Fatty Acid Profile of Mechanically Deboned Chicken Minced Meat Treated with High Hydrostatic Pressure. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 4. Pp. 64–75. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-4-7

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