
Complex Grain Additive Effect on the Quality of Bakery Products


Ekaterina V. Pastushkova, Arkady S. Ponomarev, Natalia A. Pankratieva, Sergey V. Shikhalev


Increasing the nutritional value, improving consumer properties, and preserving biologically active substances in traditional types of food products is possible by introducing complex additives with high functional consumer properties into their formulation. The natural ingredients use in the food products production determines the expansion of products range that have a preventive effect. A man run the study, which results are presented in the article, in order to determine the possibility of using the developed complex grain additive (CGA) “Combi Plus” and to identify the optimal amount of substitution in the traditional recipe of the bakery product. Bakery products as socially significant products included in the population diet can be the basis for the development of food products of centralized production, primarily for the preschool and school-age children diets. The basis for the bakery products development was adopted recipe of the Baked Roll “Dorozhnaya”. The composition of the complex grain additive “Combi Plus” includes barley concentrate, oat bran concentrate, inulin and dry whey. The researchers assessed the quality of the studied samples for 1.5 hours after the test baking (temperature 180 ˚С, baking time – 15 min). They found that while adding a complex grain additive in the amount of 10 %, organoleptic indicators worsened in the experimental samples of bakery products. The introduction was in an amount of 3.6 % and 9.0 % by weight of flour. The organoleptic assessment of the control and experimental samples and score scale revealed by Svetlana Ya. Koryachkina indicate that the sample with a complex grain additive of 6% has the best organoleptic characteristics. The prototype with the CGA of 9 % is a bakery product with diffused appearance, compacted fine porosity of the crumb, an increase in volume by 1.5 % and elastic deformation by 29.8 % compared to the control sample. The authors found that the introduction of a complex grain additive “Combi Plus” 6% by weight of flour also had a positive effect on such rheological properties of the dough as fermentation process activation, improving the quality of finished products, consumer properties, and products digestibility.


bakery products; complex grain additive; grain base; barley; oat bran

For citation:

Ekaterina V. Pastushkova, Arkady S. Ponomarev, Natalia A. Pankratieva, Sergey V. Shikhalev. Complex Grain Additive Effect on the Quality of Bakery Products. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 4. Pp. 26–38. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-4-3

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