
Pre-Clinical Research of the Fat Component Safety of Children Adapted Dry Milk Mixtures


Ekaterina Yu. Volf, Inna V. Simakova, Ivan Yu. Domnitsky, Andrey A. Terentyev, Roman L. Perke, Alexander S. Fedonnikov, Nina V. Bolotova, Gloria V. Guzeeva, Viktor V. Zakrevsky


A child of the first year of life has a special need for a full-fledged diet due to intensive growth and psychomotor development, the formation of all organs and systems. In accordance with this, a man adapts the composition of children dry milk mixtures (hereinafter referred to as mixtures) to the composition of women milk for all the main nutrients. The fat component is one of the key components that make up the baby's diet characterized by biological efficiency and safety-changes during processing, storage, transportation and subsequent storage after opening the package. There are data on pathological changes in the body when consuming oxidized fats. The work aim was to study a number of indicators of the safety and quality of the fat component of adapted baby dry milk mixtures from different manufacturers: "IS "(Denmark);" IM"," IN"," IL "(Russia)," IX " (Germany). The researchers found that the qualitative composition of the fat component of dry milk mixtures corresponded to the one stated on the package, but none of the samples corresponded fully to female milk for the average composition of the predominant fatty acids. Regulatory documentation of the EAEU Customs Union (TR CU 021/2011, TR CU 024/2011, TR CU 033/2013) regulates only the organoleptic assessment from the quality indicators of mixtures, and the determination of the peroxide number characterizing the accumulation of primary fat oxidation products from the safety indicators of the fat component, only. This indicator in the studied mixtures did not exceed the regulated values. At the same time, almost all samples of baby milk nutrition made from dry milk mixtures had unsatisfactory organoleptic indicators. The accumulation in the initial mixtures of a significant amount of secondary fat oxidation products, in particular aldehydes, caused taste and smell defects. The results of determining the anisidine number in the initial mixtures, as well as by the accumulation in their composition of 0.3–1.0 % of high-polar compounds insoluble in petroleum ether and 24–36 mmol/kg of epoxides, which in a biological experiment on animals led to a decrease in the content of leukocytes and a change in the blood formula confirmed the conclusions. All of the above indicates the need for a critical assessment of the production, packaging and storage technology of adapted baby dry milk mixtures, the expediency of making changes to the regulatory documentation of the Russian Federation, and in the future – to the regulatory documentation of the EAEU Customs Union in order to further control the fat component safety of adapted baby dry milk mixtures and adjust their shelf life during storage.


children adapted dry milk mixtures; safety; fat component; physiological effect; histological picture

For citation:

Ekaterina Yu. Volf, Inna V. Simakova, Ivan Yu. Domnitsky, Andrey A. Terentyev, Roman L. Perkel, Alexander S. Fedonnikov, Nina V. Bolotova, Gloria V. Guzeeva, Viktor V. Zakrevsky. Pre-Clinical Research of the Fat Component Safety of Children Adapted Dry Milk Mixtures. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 93–108. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-3-11

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