
Influence of the Micronization Process on the Micronutrients Content in Wheat and Bulk Beans


Natalia G. Neborskaya, Evgeniya A. Koroteeva, Larisa B. Ratnikova, Olga D. Varnavskaya


Products of grain and leguminous crops processing, including millet and common beans, are sources of vitamins and minerals. Traditional cereals cooking destroys some of the micronutrients in them mainly due to the long-term thermal exposure necessary to bring the cereals to culinary readiness. According to many authors, micronization, which is a shortterm IR heating of grain raw materials, allows to reduce the micronutrients loss. The work aim was to assess the micronization process effect on the vitamins and minerals content in millet and seeds of red and white beans. The research objects were the following: cereals “millet” according to the GOST 572-60 (control) and micronized (hereinafter – MC) millet; seeds of comman red and white beans according to the GOST 7758 (control) and flakes from MC red and white beans. The PLC “SAD” (Krasnoobsk village, Novosibirsk region) produced micronized products according to the TR 9294-002-51720693-00. Micronization parameters: the cereals temperature at the output is 130–150 °C; the exposure is 18-20 s; the flattening thickness for flakes is 0.3–0.5 mm. A man applied standard and generally accepted research methods in the work. Judging by the analysis results, IR treatment of millet and common beans does not entail a decrease in the B and E vitamins content in them; the ash content in the MC millet, flakes from MC red and white beans did not have significant differences compared to the raw materials (p < 0.05). The obtained results are consistent with the information from the literature sources. In conclusion, there is no significant micronization process influence on the vitamins and minerals safety in the products of grain and leguminous crops processing. MC millet and flakes from MC white and red beans can be sources of vitamins and minerals, as well as raw materials.


grain; leguminous; millet; common beans; micronization

For citation:

Natalia G. Neborskaya, Evgeniya A. Koroteeva, Larisa B. Ratnikova, Olga D. Varnavskaya. Influence of the Micronization Process on the Micronutrients Content in Wheat and Bulk Beans. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 69–75. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-3-8

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