
Quality and Safety Indicators Study Culinary Fish Semi-Finished Products Packed in the Barrier Film Darfresh®


Natalia V. Dementieva


The purpose of the research conducted by the author was to determine the organoleptic, physico-chemical, microbiological quality indicators and the relative biological value of culinary fish semi-finished products packed in a barrier film Darfresh®. According to the results obtained, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (NMAFAnM) in culinary fish semi-finished products did not exceed the maximum permissible values and, depending on the recipe, ranged from 2.1 × 103 to 7.9 × 103 CFU/g. There were no pathogenic and semi-pathogenic microorganisms in the semi-finished products. Culinary semi-finished products from mackerel and rock trout meet the developed standard requirements of the organization. The safety and relative biological value determination of semi-finished products using standard synchronized cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis ciliates showed that all the developed recipes of culinary semi-finished products contributed to a high growth and development of Tetrahymena pyriformis ciliates - from 73.1 to 82.6 cells in one field of view compared to control samples, in which the increase was 62.2–66.8 cells. In all samples of semi-finished products, there were an increase in the number of ciliates and mutations without the death of single cells of ciliates. A man found that semi-finished culinary products from mackerel and rock trout have a high biological value – from 74.6 to 84.3 %, depending on the recipe.


culinary semi-finished products; pre-processing; barrier packaging; safety; quality; relative biological value

For citation:

Natalia V. Dementieva. Quality and Safety Indicators Study Culinary Fish Semi-Finished Products Packed in the Barrier Film Darfresh® . Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 3. Pp. 26–33. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-3-3

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