
Consumer Properties Formation and Assessment of Cookies with the Addition of Malt Wheat Germ


Olga Yu. Eremina, Natalia V. Seregina, Ekaterina Yu. Didenko


The thesis concerns the analysis results of the cookies consumer market assortment on the example of the Oryol retail network. The authors state that the consumer market of the city has a wide range of cookies, most of which are in steady demand among citizens. At the same time, a man updates the assortment irregularly, and therefore the authors consider to expand the range advisably. This is possible, particularly, through the use of various grain additives, such as malt wheat sprouts, which are not currently used for the cookies production. The article presents the recipes of cookies with malt wheat sprouts, as well as the estimation results of finished products by organoleptic and physico-chemical quality indicators. When developing the recipe for choosing the optimal dosage of malt wheat sprouts, the researchers made the trial production of cookies with the addition of 5, 10 and 15% malt wheat sprouts instead of part of wheat flour of the 1st grade. According to the results of the organoleptic assessment of the quality of cookie samples, the introduction of malt wheat sprouts in an amount of 10 % of the total amount of wheat flour provides optimal organoleptic characteristics of the finished product, namely, an attractive color of the cookie, an improvement in its taste and a pleasant wheat-malt aroma. The authors calculated the nutritional value of the developed cookies as a percentage of the indicator of meeting the daily human body needs in vitamins and minerals when using 100 g of the product. They found that the introduction of malt wheat sprouts in the cookie recipe increased the content of B vitamins, tocopherols, as well as mineral elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and zinc) in the finished products.


malt wheat germ; cookies; quality indicators; nutritional value;

For citation:

Olga Yu. Eremina, Natalia V. Seregina, Ekaterina Yu. Didenko. Consumer Properties Formation and Assessment of Cookies with the Addition of Malt Wheat Germ. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 2. Pp. 34–42. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-2-4