
Antioxidant Potential of Sea Buckthorn Fruits and Products of Its Processing


Evgeny D. Rozhnov


Eating foods that contain natural antioxidants, primarily flavonoids, which are part of fruits and vegetables, serves to prevent coronary heart disease associated with the peroxidation course of low-density lipoproteins by active oxygen forms. Sea buckthorn fruits have a significant antioxidant potential due to the content of ascorbic acid and polyphenolic substances; due to this, they are widely used in the food production (for example, in beverages). The limiting factor in the use of sea buckthorn as a raw material for the mass segments production of food products is the sour, often astringent taste and low sweetness of its fruits, which dictates the need to develop a new approach to both the recipes and technologies justification. The results of the conducted studies confirm that the fruits of sea buckthorn varieties Chuyskaya, Altayskaya and Essel have high antioxidant activity. The decrease in the antioxidant activity of beverages obtained by adding the juice of the studied sea buckthorn varieties occurs in proportion to the decrease in the juice proportion in the drink recipe. The author revealed that the antioxidant activity of the products was preserved by 27–56 % relative to the initial antioxidant activity of the native sea buckthorn juice. The research shows that in the production of the fermented drink “Tibi with Sea Buckthorn ” there is a slight increase in the ascorbic acid content in the finished product due to the biosynthesis by microorganisms that are part of the symbiotic culture. According to the author , it is preferable to select low-acid varieties of sea buckthorn in the beverage production process , since it guarantees a higher value of the antioxidant activity of the finished products.


sea buckthorn; juice; smoothies; fermented non-alcoholic beverages; antioxidant activity

For citation:

Evgeny D. Rozhnov. Antioxidant Potential of Sea Buckthorn Fruits and Products of Its Processing. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2021. Vol. 6, No. 1. Pp. 23–30. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2021-6-1-3