
Studying Consumer Preferences of Aged and Senior Aged Agents With Regard to Dairy Products


Ruban N.Y., Reznichenko I.Yu.


The article presents the study results of elderly consumer preferences concerning dairy products. According to the World Health Organization, the number of people over 60 will double by 2050. Thus, the development of specialized herodietic products for elderly people is a prospective and important for society. It is possible to form such a rational assortment on the basis of studying consumer preferences, food habits and consumer opportunities of the studied population category towards food. To achieve the goal there is a need to solve the following problems: to determine the research method to develop a questionnaire; to identify consumer preferences in relation to the dairy products
type, manufacturer, consumption regularity and the criteria for choosing dairy products (such as cost and advertising). The study objects were the patients of the Regional clinical repatriation hospital in Kemerovo from 60 to 85 years old. The study revealed that most of the elderly respondents consume dairy products daily. Based on the study of preferences to the dairy products type and consumption regularity of the considered population group dairy products seems to be the most acceptable for herodietic nutrition.


herodietic products; consumer preferences; dairy products; diet; assortment