Commercially Available Glucans of Various Raw Materials – Use Optimization from the Nutrigenomics Standpoint


Aleksandra S. Utkina, Vasilii P. Karagodin


A man determined genes differentially expressed under the action of different raw materials glucans by the transcriptomic analysis using a cell model with macrophages. The total number of genes was 16; its activity increased or decreased significantly under the action of three different glucans. There are effects similarity of glucans from yeast and fungi, in contrast to the effects of glucan from oats. The change magnitude in the expression of the same genes was slightly higher under the influence of glucan from yeast than glucan from fungi. The expression profile of three genes (IL-10, TNF-a and MIF) changed in a similar way under the influence of all studied glucans. The manuscript describes biological effects associated with the genes characterized by the most significant change in expression. These data suggest that glucans from yeast and fungi are immunomodulators, whereas glucan from oats regulates mainly the inflammation and cholesterol metabolism processes. The conducted experiments enable to optimize recommendations on the practical glucans use for health purposes in terms of the glucan commercial form choice and the expected effects.


beta-glucan; dietary supplements; sports nutrition product; nutrigenomics; cell model; macrophages; transcriptomic analysis

For citation:

Aleksandra S. Utkina, Vasilii P. Karagodin. Commercially Available Glucans of Various Raw Materials – Use Optimization from the Nutrigenomics Standpoint. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2023. Vol. 8, No. 2. Pp. 6–12. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-2023-8-2-1. EDN: BHBMNI.

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