
Summary of the Research Methodology in Creating Technology System Complexes


Panfilov V.A.


The article is devoted to the methodological aspects of research and development (R&D) while creating technological system complexes in agriculture. The focus is on the solution of scientific problems as the unification of the agricultural products manufacture and its industrial processing into a single technology. Issues to be discussed include the establishment of a systematic approach to the morphology, functioning and development of technological systems. The core of the work is a detailed list of the R&D methodological approaches aimed at creating an industrial base for crop and livestock production and its processing. The first methodology statement required a probable line of thinking of scientists and engineers is shown. The second statement consists of the need for analysis and synthesis procedures of the object. According to the third statement there is a need to consider the technology in agricultural production and processing as a process system. The fourth statement reveals that it is worth to construct graphical models through technology as a process system. The fifth methodology statement is the technological systems diagnostics in terms of its functioning quality. The sixth statement is the technological system improvement as a result of its diagnostic. The seventh statement is to find the most effective methods of energy supply in the production processes, storage and processing of agricultural raw materials in food and, above all, the wave effect on work environment.


systematic agro-industrial complex; probable line of thought; analysis; graphical model; diagnostics