
Innovative Priorities of the Food Industry Modernization in the Paradigm of the New (Sixth) Technological Mode: the Case of the Dairy Sector of the Agricultural Complex


Khramtsov A.G.


In the article the author has attempted to formulate the modernization possibility of the dairy industry of the food industry in the agricultural complex based on the fifth technological mode – bionanomatrix technological clusters on the completed production cycle. At the same time the forecast of the sixth technological mode: picotechnologies obtaining derivatives of the milk components - lactose hydrolysates, lactulose, microparticulated proteins, peptides and amino acid pool – is scrutinized. Moreover, the possibility to commit significant resources so-called the secondary raw milk – nonfat (low-fat) milk, butter milk and especially whey in the functional food products for determinate people groups and feed-stuffs of the new generation to the production cycle is implemented. The concept suggested by the author is adopted in the industry on the whey example. The contribution of the leading scientific schools as Federal level "Living Systems" 7510.2010.4, REC "Membrane Biotechnologies", and NCFU bio and engineering to the proposed concept implementation that creates the real conditions for the sixth technological mode realization (from 2025 to 2080) using picotechnology, elements of artificial intelligence (neural networks) for the food and fodder means production of a new generation clarified.


dairy sector of the food industry in the agricultural complex; modernization; innovation priorities; technological mode