
Vol 5 №1 2020

Current Issue: Vol 5 №1 2020


Quality and Safety

Olesya S. Iakubova, Adelya A. Bekesheva, Oksana A. Markitanova
Score Scales Development for the Quality Organoleptic Assessment of Cold Fish Appetizers

Irina Yu. Reznichenko, Maria S. Kondratieva
Authenticity Identification of Carbonated Alcochol-Free Beverages

Food Technologies

Sergey A. Urubkov, Svetlana S. Khovanskaya, Ekaterina A. Pyrieva, Olga V. Georgieva, Stanislav O. Smirnov
Gluten-Free Dry Mixtures with Rice and Amaranth for Children over Three Years Old with Gluten Intolerance

Nadezhda V. Makarova, Natalya B. Eremeeva, Yana V. Davydova
Biodegradable Edible Film on the Basis of Apple Waste Products, i.e. Apple Marrow

Nataliya S. Moiseeva, Oleg K. Motovilov
Quality and Safety Indicators Development of Smoked and Baked Turkey Meat Product

Liliya Z. Gabdukaeva, Timofei Yu. Gumerov, Olga A. Reshetnik
The influence of organic amendments on the consumer features of jelly products

Andrey A. Vekovtsev, Tokhiriyon Boisjoni, Badarch Bayambaa, Victor G. Shelepov
Specialized Food Product with Directed Systemic Action: Innovative Technological Solutions, Performance Evaluation

Food Manufacture Processes and Equipment

Oksana V. Tabakaeva, Anton V. Tabakaev
Proteins Features of the Far Eastern Region Bivalve Mollusk Mactra Сhinensis

Review Articles

Maria A. Nikolaeva, Oksana V. Evdokimova, Tamara N. Ivanova
Actual Problems of Training and Demand for Commodity Experts in the Labor Market

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