
Amylose Quantity Influence on the Wheat Bread Quality Indicators While Storage


Natalia V. Leiberova, Natalya A. Pankratyeva


Considering the question of the national security the article concerns the main process aspects of starch retrogradation. There are objectives of the bakery products development of long-term storage. The authors studied modern approaches to the selection of soft wheat for breeding of varieties with low amylose in starch. They revealed the waxy wheat varieties influence on the baking properties and the staling process of bakery products from baking flour experimentally. The researchers used standard methods for determining amylose, wheat gluten in wheat baking flour of grade 1, as well as organoleptic, physical and chemical experimental methods for establishing the bakery products quality during the study. As a result, the use of wheat flour with a low content of amylose has a beneficial effect on slowing the bread staling process and enable the maximum preservation of the original consumer characteristics.


bakery products; starch; retrogradation; amylose; waxy wheat; biochemical processes; shelf life

For citation: Natalia V. Leiberova, Natalya A. Pankratyeva. Amylose Quantity Influence on the Wheat Bread Quality Indicators While Storage. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2019. Vol. 4, No. 2. Pp. 65–69. DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2019-4-2-9