
About the Use of Pectin from Wild Berries Pomace in the Marmalade Recipes


Marina N. Shkolnikova


The rapid development pace of the functional food industry stimulates researchers to a more detailed study of plant raw materials as an ingredient that demonstrates physiological activity in food recipes. In this regard, cowberries pomace (Vaccínium vítis-idaéa L.) obtained after the liquid phase separation is a prospective raw material primarily due to the bioactive component presence: dietary fibers, vitamins, organic acids, minerals. Thus, an integral part of low-waste and non-waste technologies is the bioconversion issue of secondary raw materials, particularly pulp and meal. Authors separated the pectin sample by the method of acid extraction hydrolysis from cowberries pomace and studied its technological properties and quality indicators. On this basis researchers recommended to use cowberry pectin as a structure forming agent while producing fruit marmalade samples. They examined freshly produced marmalade samples for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in comparison with the control sample with commercial citrus pectin as structure forming agent. The commercial pectin substitution in the recipe for the pectin sample obtained from cowberry pomace improves the jelly organoleptic characteristics and increases its functional properties.


cowberry; marmalade; pomace; pectin; structure forming agent; quality indicators; functional properties

For citation: Marina N. Shkolnikova. About the Use of Pectin from Wild Berries Pomace in the Marmalade Recipes. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2019. Vol. 4, No. 1. С. 81–86. DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2019-4-1-9