
Optimization of extraction of flavonoids and triterpenoids from loquat leaves using response surface methodology


Wang S., Shi Y. , Zhang G., Meng Y., Zhang N., Madhujith T


Scientists used the ultrasonic method of boosting extraction speed by response surface method to improve the extraction yield of flavonoids and triterpenoids from the loquat leaves. To determine the extraction yield of flavonoids and triterpenoids authors employed the colorimetry method where rutin and betulin acted as standard solutions. The results showed that the optimal conditions of extraction are ethanol concentration in extraction agent was 60 %, while the ratio of loquat leaves weight to the volume of ethanol concentration was 1:60, the extraction time was 40 min, the extraction temperature was 70 °C. The use of ultrasonic power of 200 W rouse the total flavonoid yield by 4.78 % and triterpene yield by 6.70 %. The study approved the ultrasonic efficiency while extracting plant raw materials aimed at separating flavonoids and triterpenoids


methodology; ultrasound; extraction; loquat; flavonoids; triterpenoids

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