
School Meal Modernization on the Enterprise Business Process Development Basis in the Regional Conditions


Majurnikova L.A., Novoselov S.V.


The article concerns the study results of the school meal modernization process on the business process basis of the  innovative development of the public catering enterprises in regional conditions. The innovative food development process model allows forming reasonable directions of public catering and school meal innovative development in accordance with the management theory in regional conditions. The school meal problems identification and analysis on the basis of the scientific and innovative activity process organization “from idea to consumer” enabled to form an innovative development management system on catering enterprises, corresponding to the time requirements in order
to apply the latest science and technology achievements to improve the quality of school meal. The authors presented the School meal modernization concept in the Kemerovo region, consisting of scientific bases development and implementation directions of rational nutrition arrangement for children and teenager of school age; material and technical base modernization of a school meal; modern management system creation of a school meal; a set of measures to promote healthy food and its implementation among students and their parents.


modernization; scientific and innovative activity; public catering; business pro-cess; management system; quality; school meal