
Improvement of Multicomponent Dairy Products by Raw Material Combining


Musina O.N., Shchetinin M.P.


Scientific raw material combining as one of the modern research methods provides the composition producing with a specified chemical formula allowing to use the cross-enrichment possibility of the composition ingredients.

The article concerns the methodological approaches developing an existing theory of the multicomponent product development. The methodology basis is the formal methods and the computer technology use of the new product receipts development.

The authors also describe the solution in designing multicomponent products based on the formalize receipt data analysis using a computer. They examine the physical, chemical, functional and technological grain raw materials characteristics, and prove its use prospective in the multicomponent dairy products composition. The researchers set the persistence of the high functional and technological properties (water absorbing capacity and water retention capacity) of the grain ingredients, while the grinding size is the main factor contributing to its dispersive environment.

They prove the applicability cereal ingredients with a particle size of 160 µm in the dairy industry and suggest the technology of obtaining multicomponent cereal of the dairy product ingredients including integrated and private schemes. The search states the grain ingredients influence degree on the milk-grain mixture properties.

The result is modeling of the milk-cereal mixtures fermentation process. While milk-grain mixture fermenting both quantitative (doses, regimes) and qualitative (grain ingredients type) process parameters play an important role. The authors formulate the further use of the curd products with grain ingredients and prove its use effectiveness as raw materials for frozen food. On the bases of the curd product ingredients the researchers analyze the technological features of multicomponent products obtaining (curd waffles, cottage cheese pancakes, dumplings, cottage cheese puddings, cottage cheese sauces, chocolate glazed curd bar, curd products). They set the rational doses and the technological stages of the grain ingredients injection in curd products: up to 1.5 % in a diary mixture or up to 15-20 % in a curd. 


multicomponent dairy products; raw material combining; improvement; receipt; technology